The USS JURASSIC is a correspondence chapter of Starfleet - The International Star Trek Fan Association. It was formed to help Trek fans (who can not or do not want to attend meetings) enjoy the fun of being in a Star Trek fan club. We have members around the world, and stay in contact with them through the newsletter (Trekosaurus), e-mail, online chats, and snail mail. Like most other Starfleet chapters, the USS JURASSIC members hold ranks, and promotions are granted based on a points system. This points system demonstrates that a member is active in the chapter, Region, Fleet, and in their own community. Members of the USS JURASSIC may be as active as they choose. If a member wants to get involved in the club there are many ways to do so:
or anything you can think of that your Division Chief, First Officer, or Captain approve. And we are always looking for new projects. We also participate in field trips which everyone is invited to. These include but are not limited to things like: