Purchase shirts and other merchandise with the USS JURASSIC logo

Other links

Documents and fun stuff to download

Links to Sites of Interest

STARFLEET related webpages:
STARFLEET: The International Star Trek Fan Association http://www.sfi.org
Starfleet Academy (SFA): http://academy.sfi.org
SFA FAC (Fully Automated Courses - take courses online): http://www.starfleetacademy.co/starfleetacademy/FAC.asp
Fleet Chat: http://chat.trekfan.org/
Starfleet Award Program: http://www.sfi.org/wp/sfi-awards-program/
Starfleet Database: https://db.sfi.org/
Starfleet Quartermaster: http://qm.sfi.org/cc/
Starfleet Department of Technical Services http://www.sfi.org/wp/department-of-technical-services/
Starfleet Correspondence Chapters: http://correy.sfi.org/
STARFLEET - Region One webpages:
Starfleet - Region One http://www.regionone.net/R1/
Starfleet - Region One AWARDS Program https://sites.google.com/site/sfir1awards/
Starfleet - Region One Merchandise (hats, shirts, patches, etc) http://www.donnerstore.org/
Gary  http://www.k8be.net
Carolyn http://www.n8st.net/




Carla http://www.startrekclubs.com/
Dawn http://www.astras-stargate.com/
Nancy http://www.polyhedronlearning.com/newfrontiers/library/careercenter/careerM05.html


Harold http://www.allspark.net




STAR TREK related webpages:
Star Trek: Memory Alpha http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Portal:Main
Desktop Starships (themes, screen savers, sound files, fonts, pictures, utilities) http://www.desktopstarships.com/
Advanced Starship Design (starship designs) http://www.asdb.net
Fandata (lists of Star Trek clubs and other contacts) http://www.fandata.com 
Star Trek http://www.startrek.com/
Star Trek Wikipediak http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek
AMATEUR RADIO related webpages:
American Radio Relay League http://www.arrl.org/
Federal Communications Commission http://www.fcc.gov
QSL.net (free webpages for Amateur radio operators) http://www.qsl.net
NuTest and NuMorse (programs to help you get your license) http://www.nu-ware.com/
Koch Method for learning Morse Code (Free program) http://www.g4fon.net/
Electronic QSL Cards http://www.eqsl.org/qslcard/
Callsign lookups: University of Arkansas http://www.ualr.edu/~hamradio
Open Repeaters http://www.artscipub.com/repmain.html
Grant Amateur Radio Club http://www.garcohio.net/
QRZ (lots of Amateur Radio information and callsign lookups) http://www.qrz.com
Donner's Digital Interfaces (Interfaces to connect your radio to a computer) http://home.att.net/~n8st