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Overseas Coupon Project

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Overseas Coupon Project

The position of Overseas Coupon Project Manager is currently held by Annette Wood so start sending coupong to her. The coupons has be grocery store-type coupons, no coupons to specific restaurants or stores such as Chuck E Cheese, Walmart, etc. Please cut the coupons out and sort them in order by price (you can include the ones that says "free"). Mail the coupons to Annette in a plastic baggie and include a note with your name, department and total cost of coupons. Her address is in the USS Jurassic or email her at



Overseas American military personnel and their families often have a difficult time living in a foreign country and trying to make ends meet on the military salary. Even buying food on the military base becomes expensive if the military person has a family to support. The USS JURASSIC helps out by collecting manufacturer's coupons and mailing them to the STARFLEET Overseas Coupon Project Coordinator, who then mails them to military bases. The base puts these coupons in a bin in the front of the military store and they can be used by all military personnel and their families. All JURASSIC members are asked to clip coupons from newspapers and magazines and mail them to the JURASSIC Coupon Coordinator. Coupons should be mailed as soon as possible. Although coupons can be used overseas for up to six months after their expiration date, please allow for time to mail them to the base.


Duties include collecting manufactures coupons from newspapers, magazines, etc. -- and from other members of the JURASSIC and sending these coupons to the STARFLEET coupon director, or to the assigned military base.


Overseas Coupon Project Main Site

US Naval Air Facility, Navy FSC (The base where our coupons go)