Amateur Radio Projects
Amateur Radio ProjectsIt seemed like a natural thing to merge our interests of Star Trek and Amateur Radio to form the USS JURASSIC Amateur Radio Club. After all there is more to Star Trek communications then just Uhura saying "Hailing Frequencies Open" all the time. Amateur radio still exists in the 21st century. How do we know? Well in the original Star Trek series episode Operation Annihilate! when Uhura could not make contact with the officials on the planet Deneba, Captain Kirk tells her to try GSK783 on subspace frequency 3. No doubt that is the future equivalency of K8SSJ on frequency 28.345. Uhura says it is a private station, which we later find out belongs to the Captain's brother, Sam. And the callsign was probably issued by the FCC (Federation Communications Commission) <grin>.
With that in mind, we decided to apply for a club license from the present day FCC (Federal Communications Commission) and received KC8LEY on Earthdate: 9811.12 (12 November 1998 for those not familiar with Star Trek dates), with our Commanding Officer (ADM Carolyn Donner - KC8KBF) as the trustee of the station. We thought this would be a good way to introduce club members to the world of Amateur Radio, and introduce some "hams" to our Star Trek club. How are we doing this? Well, as long as Carolyn is present, any member of the USS JURASSIC who wants to come to JURASSIC HQ in Hamersville, OH, can use the club callsign and get on the air. It will be very interesting to see the reactions of people when they are talking to other stations (perhaps in other countries) for the first time. And when we are on the air using the club callsign, we always tell people it is issued to the USS JURASSIC, a Star Trek Fan Club. We have gotten some interesting remarks about that already ... all positive!
The JURASSIC has also received a second Club License, VE7SSJ (VE7 Star Ship Jurassic) which was issued by Industry Canada on 22 June 1999, with Communications Officer Garry Cameron, VE7ACM, as trustee. [The U.S. callsign originally given to the club station was KC8LEY, but on October 5, 1999 we received a vanity callsign of K8SSJ (SSJ = Star Ship Jurassic) to match our Canadian sister station.]
We are planning some interesting club activities with both the K8SSJ and VE7SSJ stations. See the links above and check the information below. 1010 Star Trek Special 2002 (sponsored by the Restoration Project Chapter of 1010) The special for 2002 was enjoyed by everyone who participated. There were entries from all around the world. And although over 100 people sent in their final scores, we're sure many many more than that actually participated on the air. Here are the statistics . . . TOTAL SUBMITTED 138 Australia (2)VK3PCN VK2VFV Canada (8) Germany (26) New Zealand (7) UK (6) Russia USA (88) RESTORATION PROJECT SPECIAL - 2001 "ASSEMBLE A STAR SHIP" E-Mail: VE7SSJ@RAC.CA "Snail Mail": FF/RP Chapter, 3528 11th Avenue, Port Alberni BC V9Y 4Y7. The Restoration Project chapter of 1010 International Net, held a special during the month of February, 2001. This special involved giving each active member of the Restoration Project a starship part. There were 25 different parts of a starship worth 5 points each for a total of 375 possible points. Members of the Restoration Project collected the starship parts by making contact on the 10 meter amateur radio band and asking for the special. Then kept track of the callsigns of the people and what starship part they were. Thank you Restoration Project! There was a lot of participation from amateur radio operators around the world. RESTORATION PROJECT STAR TREK SPECIAL FOR 2000 The Restoration Project chapter of 1010 International Net, held a special during the month of January, 2000. This special involved giving each active member of the Restoration Project a starship name, plus some other special names. There were 20 different starships worth 2 points each, and participants were allowed to collect 4 of each of these ships. Besides the starships listed above, there were 5 special people to be collected only once each. They were worth 25 points each and consisted of: Skipper (Carolyn N8ST), The Mighty Gorn (Gary K8BE), Phantom (Janis VE7AAP), Sparks (Garry VE7ACM), and two USS JURASSIC stations (K8SSJ and VE7SSJ) -- all members or honorable members of the USS JURASSIC. Members of the Restoration Project collected the starships and specials by making contact on the 10 meter amateur radio band and asking for the special. Then kept track of the callsigns of the people and what starship or special they were. This special was held to help celebrate the USS JURASSIC's 6th anniversary as a chapter (The USS JURASSIC became a shuttle on January 4th, 1994) of Starfleet. Thank you Restoration Project! There was a lot of participation from amateur radio operators around the world. Number of participants...127 Point additions ranged from 20 to 308. NO ONE managed the maximum possible of 310. I had a lot of good comments about it being "Fun" which is what paperchasing should be. -- Garry VE7ACM |