This project involves collecting used cancelled postage stamps (the kind you get on all those letters your friends send you). These stamps are sold to dealers who then sell them to collectors.
The money collected from these sales is donated to UNICEP (the United Nations Children's Fund) and ASAP (the American Sprigomyelia Alliance Project). If you are interested you can snail mail the Director, Lynn Evans, P. O. box 100, Highland Springs, VA 23075-0100, or you can e-mail her via her internet address:
(taken from the Starfleet Stampede website)
USS JURASSIC members can help support this project by cutting stamps off letters you receive (cut about a 1/4 to 1/2 inch of the envelope around the stamp). Send your stamps to the JURASSIC Stampede coordinator. All types of stamps can be sent except Christmas stamps or those on red envelopes.
In addition to the general duties of all Project leaders, the Stampede Coordinator's duties include collecting used postage stamps from members of the JURASSIC, counting them, and sending them to the STARFLEET Stampede coordinator in the name of the JURASSIC.