Propulsion:Four (4) LN-64B Mod 3 dilithium-energized Antimatter linear warp drive units
Two RSM subatomic unified energy impulse units
QASR particle beam maneuvering thrusters
"Trentis" pulsed laser reaction control system
Navigation: "Taos" Warp Celestrial Guidance
Computers: "Con/Am" Duotronic III K3 Supplement
Phasers: 6 banks of 2 each - RIM-12C independent twin mount
- 4 banks - RSM-14B single mount
- 2 Megaphasers - GornTechnology
Photon Torp.: 2 tubes - "Thor" Mod 2 direct
Defense: "Phoenix" primary force field and deflector control system
- "Eyas" weapon system
- "Mentor III" fire control system
CGCP/SCDS cloaking generation, penetration and stasis countermeasure system
Life Support: MC-3E artificial gravity generator
- "Lernex 1" radiation protection package
- "Cerix" waste regeneration systems